Welcome to your new Customer Hub website We're excited to introduce our new and improved Customer Hub website. You told us that our website could be easier to use, so we've acted to deliver a new site where you can find what you need more quickly and easily.
Our rent review and what it means to you Every year we carry out our annual rent review and letters were sent out to customers at the end of February. The rent that we collect from you is important as it helps us care for your home and community.
The benefits of paying by Direct Debit We’ve moved to a new and improved Direct Debit system, making it easier for you to make payments at a time that suits you.
Reducing your fire risk and identifying fire hazards
We're proud to have sponsored a new fire safety tool that allows you to take a virtual tour of a flat, identifying fire hazards and showing you how you can reduce your fire risk and save lives.
An update from Property Management Our Property Management team has been working hard to keep in touch with customers to ensure our communities remain safe and well maintained.
Property Management story - Norwich We helped one of our customers tidy their garden thanks to Community Investment funding, and they're reaping the rewards.