Amy, who has been an Orbit customer at Heathcote House in Brandon for four years, (pictured here) said: “It was a great surprise to me when they turned up with the boxes, I thought it was really nice. I love living here because the staff are all so friendly and are always ready to help you and I thought these boxes were a good idea because there was such a good selection in them.”
Charlotte Jones, our Independent Living Scheme Regional Manager in the East, explained the reasoning behind the deliveries: “Lockdown has been tough for everybody, but for those who have been isolating or shielding, it has been especially difficult, so I hope these boxes will help to deliver some winter kindness into their lives and to show them that we are thinking of them.”
Amy told us she hadn’t been out much at all over the last year, so the winter kindness box deliveries were very welcome.
Which is just what Emma Ratzer MBE, from Pink Orange, had in mind. She added: “These wellbeing boxes have been sourced with lots of care and attention and I hope that everyone who received them will love them as much as we have enjoyed putting them together. We really wanted it to be the equivalent of a wellbeing hug in a box.”