It’s Debt Awareness Week until 24 March and to help raise awareness of the free money advice and debt support we have available, we wanted to tell you a bit more about the different ways we can help you.
We all want to keep as much money in our pockets as we can, so we’ve updated our myMoney information with some extra tips for doing just that. You’ll find simple, practical tools you can use to watch your spending, including a budget calculator and apps for helping you increase your savings. You’ll also learn how to get the most out of your weekly shop at the supermarket and how to find the best deals on your energy, broadband, car insurance and more.
We’re running a series of free Better Days ‘Kickstart your 2024’ events in your communities where we’ll be sharing money and debt advice in-person, just visit our Kickstart your 2024 webpage to find out more. We’d love to see you. We’ll be providing a free lunch and winter warmth support pack (worth about £50) to everyone that attends.
Can’t make it? We’ve got plenty of useful tips and advice to help you manage your money more easily. Find out more on our Better Days myMoney page or by visiting our myLearning page. We’ve also got a Cost of living hub, where we’ve pulled together a range of resources and advice to help you.
Sometimes financial pressures can affect your wellbeing and we’ve got help for that too. Just visit out myWellbeing webpage to find out more
Did you want to speak with someone? Just complete our simple form here and we’ll get in touch. Here’s what one resident had to say after speaking with us:
“I really felt like I could be open and I got off the phone feeing much more hopeful about the future. Things have been pretty dark lately so that is huge.”