What National Grid has said
Last month, National Grid advised that it is ‘unlikely’ that any of us would lose power to our homes if the gas supplies ran low. Their ‘base assumption’ is that the UK has enough gas supplies to meet demand this Winter and that there are plans in place to ensure power cuts are a last resort.
More recently, they have advised that while they are not changing this base assumption, if there were to be rolling blackouts, January and February would be the months where they are most likely. There is potential that these blackouts would take place between 4pm and 7pm on the coldest winter days – only if Europe cuts gas exports.
It’s best to be prepared
Although there is a very low risk of there being any power cuts to your home, we do encourage you to be prepared just in case it does happen. If you live with others, it’s best to have a conversation ahead of time and agree a plan of what to do.
Power outages most often happen suddenly and this can be scary, especially for young children. Discuss this with them ahead of time and let them know they will be safe. Tell them to stay where they are and call out to let you know where they are so that you can go to them (and reduce the risk of them hurting themselves trying to find you in the dark). Stay calm and follow your plan.
Here’s National Grid’s advice on what you can do.
We’ve also put together a list of items that are useful to have ready for any emergency, including power cuts:
- bottled water
- battery operated torches (one for each person if possible)
- spare new batteries
- wind-up radio
- tinned and dried food
- can opener
- spoons and forks
- warm blanket (or two!)
- first aid kit
- mobile phone spare battery pack (charged). If you don’t have one, put it on your Christmas wish list?
- have a backup plan, if for some reason you can’t stay in your home. Can you stay with family or friends, and what do you need to get there in an emergency? Would you use public transport or would you need money for a taxi?
Did you know? You can get some of the items listed above for FREE by attending one of our free Winter wellbeing events?