Residents at our Southam-based scheme were treated to festive tunes sung by the school choir. To say thank you, residents then surprised the children with chocolate selection boxes to take home.
Heather, resident at Tithe Lodge commented; “We love it when the children visit. Hearing them sing was truly delightful and really got us all in the Christmas spirit.”
The school has a long-standing relationship with the scheme thanks to our partnership with InCommon, an organisation that helps to connects young people with their older neighbours to help boost older people's wellbeing, support children's social and emotional learning, and build more age-friendly communities.
Zoe O’Reilly, our Ageing Well Lead for Orbit said; “Residents really value the children’s visits. Both residents and children benefit from sharing their different experiences and outlooks on life. Connecting the different generations and bringing everyone together is really what Christmas is all about and we’re looking forward to offering more activities to support residents’ wellbeing next year too.”
Laura Constable, Headteacher at Southam St James CofE Academy added; “We have really enjoyed spreading some festive cheer to the residents. I am also especially proud that this particular visit was brought about by an idea from a pupil in Year 4 who was worried that residents wouldn’t be able to enjoy our singing at the Light Switch on.”
Photo caption: Residents at Tithe Lodge with children from Southam St James CofE Academy Christmas choir