As celebrations for the New Year approach, it's not uncommon to feel a little out of sync with the party spirit. While some people are making plans for social gatherings, it's perfectly normal if you find yourself feeling lonely or left out. Such feelings are more common than you might think, especially during at this time of year.
Did you know that as an Orbit customer, you can access help for free? Togetherall is a free online support service through which you can connect with others who are experiencing similar feelings, plus there are trained professionals on hand, 24/7. Anyone who joins the community remains anonymous to others, so it’s a safe place for you to share your experiences.
If sharing isn’t your thing, there are free tools and courses you can access to help you look after your wellbeing, with plenty of free resources where you can learn more.
You can join Togetherall today by visiting its website.
To find out more about Togetherall, take a look at this short film.
You can also watch a more detailed film here.
For more information about managing your wellbeing, you can visit the Better days hub